Alana Loveys

Alana Loveys
Past Leadership Events!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Think ahead!

Wow… So this Blog has come to an end but I know my involvement in my activities and use of leadership will never end! I continue to stay involved in as much as I can manage to take on because I enjoy being busy and the many opportunities and experiences you can gain from being involved in school, community and other activities are endless! I have been able to gain many new skills, learn more about other people and even myself because of activities involving leadership and also volunteering.
In the past, including this year, I have gotten to use my leadership and volunteering skills a lot! I have volunteered at swim meets, coaching Special Olympics swim team, participated in many fundraisers (ex, Swim for hope, Relay for life, Operation Christmas child, AIDS Research and the Terry Fox run), Counselled at Burry Heights Church camp, helped decorate for the annual school auction, and much, much more!! I enjoy lending a hand whenever possible because when you volunteer you are rewarded by something much better than money; you are rewarded by a feeling. The most recent time that I have had this feeling was Wednesday past. As all of us know, Wednesday was anti-bullying day. Being a part of Danceworx, the performing group was told if they wanted to volunteer and practice a few more hours on Sunday nights that we could learn a new dance to a song from Glee, “Loser like me” and perform it for anti-bulling day around the schools in a few close by communities. We all wore pink and went to 2 elementary schools, 1 junior high and our high school. During the assemblies, at a random time, our music came on and we rushed from all over to perform like a flash mob. It was rewarding to see how excited all the children got. Just by looking at their faces and seeing their huge smiles I could tell that they enjoyed it. Even a few little kiddies came looking for autographs… how cute! I was honoured to participate in this event because of how strongly I feel about bullying. I realize it can never be put to a complete end, but I feel that having an anti-bullying day will help prevent it. This day allows people to take time to reflect on their own actions because of the speeches given and videos shown. It lets everyone become aware of the huge problem. This was only one example of a rewarding feeling because of volunteering. When you realize how much you have helped contribute to an event by volunteering and receive the rewarding feeling you want to volunteer more! I plan on continuing to volunteer with the things that I have volunteered with in the past, and plan to volunteer even more this coming year whenever the chance is presented.
Leadership is contagious. Being a part of one thing amounted into another. As a member of student council I have become interested in public speaking competitions in both English and French. Since I enjoy public speaking, it lead me to get involved with improv and drama. It helped me develop many people skills which were very effective with regards to being on many sports teams and team groups. I think having leadership skills is very important. They are used everyday and give you so many opportunities, like leadership conferences! I feel strongly about the importance of leadership. Looking around at the people in my High school who are not involved in anything I think to myself how do they manage? I can not imagine myself going through high school without playing a sport, staying after school for a club or practice and missing days for tournaments and fun trips for being involved. School is not all about grades, classes and studying. I know why people hate school. It is because they are not involved in activities and haven’t opened their selves up to leadership. In fact, I feel that you can learn more from the many activities offered by schools than you can in a class room. Where else are you going to build on you team skills, speaking skills and leadership if you do not put yourself out there and become involved.
In the future I plan to remain a leader, stay involved and continue to volunteer, just like I have my whole life! Why change now and drop all my activities when each year more experiences are presented? Next year in high school, being my last year and all, I would love to participate in more volunteer activities and fundraisers. If possible, I would like to volunteer with Hero Holiday and even participate with Encounters with Canada. My main goals are to keep my grades up and remain involved, which I plan to work hard to continue to do. When I go to MUN I would like to become involved in as much as I can possibly take on! Especially activities that that include leadership and volunteering. I have heard about the many things offered at the university and can not wait to step in and expand myself to different opportunities that I have not been exposed to before. I hope to have a career that allows me to continue to use my leadership skills by doing things such as public speaking. As I grow even older and older my interests will not change. I still would like to be involved and remain busy! Maybe take on the role of a coach for a sports team, or even help plan a community event! I want to continue to use the many skills that I have learned to help others! Leadership has helped me with so many things in my life and develop many skills. I feel that you can never have too much participation in leadership activities, it is something that is enjoyable, rewarding and does not get boring! It allows you to discover many new interests and helps you be able to try new things. I would not change my past experiences for the world! Some of my favourite memories were made by volunteering and leadership events… Who says it is not fun? I have met such amazing people because of my experiences and continue to learn, grow and profit from what is presented before me.

This Blog project has been rewarding. Reading about others to get to know them better, and taking the time to reflect on myself. I was able to discover myself the many reasons why I enjoy leadership as much as I do and how lucky I am to be capable to be involved in the many experiences that comes along with it. I hope that you have enjoyed reading my posts and I look forward to seeing everyone again soon!! :) 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tweet It!

So so so sorry about this blog being a little late! I have been crazy busy this past week with studying for tests, sports, dance class, drama rehearsal, speak offs, work and more! Also I encountered many problems with getting a new Twitter account seeing my old one was deactivated for some reason and I waited to hear confirmation to see if I was able to get a new one under the same email but it was not possible! As a result of hearing that I could not recover my old account I had to create another email address to use to create another Twitter account! Oh boy... Finally its good to go now and I can move along with my blogging! :)

I enjoyed looking for different inspirational organisations and people on Twitter to create this blog! Finding ones that interested me and discovering how they hold an impact on our world was even eye opening. I think the idea for creating a "Tweet It" blog was wonderful! Here it goes....

1. Toms Shoes (@TOMS)
"Toms" is not only a brand name of shoes but an organisation that helps improve the lives of children. The company has what they call a "One for One Movement". Toms matches every shoe purchased and gives a new pair to a child in need. I think this is a great form of a fundraiser to raise awareness about the lifestyles of others less fortunate around the world. Think about walking bare foot over hard rocks and sharp objects. To us this is not something that we would choose to do because we are fortunate enough. To the less fortunate children in the world they have no other option but to live with the consequences of having no shoes for their little feet. It is a simple way for us as people to make a difference in the world. For more information on the movement visit the link; ... Maybe even take some time to purchase a pair of shoes for yourself, and even better to help someone in need!

2. Demetria Lovato (@ddlovato)
Demetria Lovato, more commonly known as Demi Lovato is a person who I feel is very inspirational. With next week being Anti Bullying week, I felt my choice of Demi for this blog was an even better fit! Throughout her life as a star she developed mental and emotional issues that are not uncommon. As a result of her struggles with eating disorders, self harm, mood disorders, and substance abuse, Demi was sent to Rehab to recover. This was the darkest time in her life she said, but with the support of her family, friends, and fans she pulled herself together and made it through. She has many tattoos to remind her of little messages to believe she is beautiful and to not give up on herself. One it particular is "Stay Strong" tattooed on her wrists. She got them after her release from rehab to cover her scars and be a symbol of growth and recovery. What I find so inspirational about Demi is not only that she was able to overcome her challenges but to have the courage to talk about her struggles and try to get the message out to prevent others from suffering in the ways that she had. Demi wanted to share her story so she filmed a documentary that will air on MTV on March 6. "I wanted to share my story, but I knew it had to be honest, it had to be real. I have daily challenges, but so do many kids who are struggling to feel comfortable in their own skin. If opening up and sharing my story inspires even one person to stay strong or to get the help they need, I've succeeded."- Demi Lovato. Demi is also featured in on of "Bell Aliant's" commercials which gives a brief explanation of Demi's situation and explaining how it is important to "Talk about it". I feel it is important to spread awareness of these horrible situations that people may face to make them aware that with the right attitude, support and proper help that they will be able to pull through and "Stay Strong" just like Demi had done.

3.World Vision (@WorldVision)
I feel that World Vision is an amazing organisation. As described on their Twitter page, Work Vision is: A Christian relief, development & advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families & communities to overcome poverty & injustice.World Vision works to help individuals and groups improve the well-being of children and overcome poverty by transforming communities. It also sets aside money to help respond to world disasters by helping prevent disasters and rebuild after. Seeking Global Change is something that World Vision works to accomplish that I feel is very important. The world is unfair. Every day the unfairness of systems, such as politic systems, force people to live in poverty. World vision strives to end injustice and inequality by empowering communities affected by poverty to speak and stand up for their rights. World Vision helps by taking the voices of those living in poverty to fight to make a change. World Vision also presents the option to get involved with helping out or even sponsoring a child! For more information visit . 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What I'm Into.

Throughout my school years, I have been involved in many activities and continue to dedicate myself to these activities while trying to make room in my busy schedule to participate in more! I love having something to do and become bored easily. I think this is because at a very young age my parents had me participate in art classes, skating, girl guides, piano lessons, girl quest camps and swimming lessons. As I got older I lost interested in most of these activities but quickly found many more that met my interest.
            Since primary school I have been involved in sports. Without sports I really do not know how I would be able to survive. Cross country running is one of my favourite sports. My mom runs everyday and she started to get me to run with her when I was little and I have continued to run since. I like this sport because you can practice on your own time indoors or out and it keeps you active. I also like how it is an interest me and my mom, and also some of my friends share. I play many other sports in school such as basketball, volley ball, cheerleading, badminton, softball and soccer. I like playing team sports because it is a way to socialize, have fun and get exercise. In particular, I love the tournaments, especially when it involves going on a trip with the team. Swim team is another activity that I had participated in. It was a really good workout and helped me get my endurance up for running. I participated as a member on the swim team for 7 years but because my schedule became overloaded and because I got a job at the pool I had to make a decision between swim team and all of the school sports. Besides sports, I dance 3 nights a week as a member of Danceworx studio. I have been involved in dance for 11 years and have taken ballet, jazz, and modern classes. Also I got the chance to take some hip hop and contemporary workshops for professional dances. I enjoy dancing because it is a time I can look forward to on school nights where I can take a break from my school work to spend with friends. I am extremely excited for dance this year because I am participating in a dance competition and get to host and dance in this year’s recital. I have been a little musical my whole life but would not consider myself any sort of musician! I mainly enjoy music as a hobby. When I was little, as I mentioned I played piano, but I lost interest and began to look for another instrument to play. In junior high I played flute in the band for a year but did not enjoy it. That is when I turned to guitar. I took guitar lessons for a few months but had to stop because I was too busy! I did not want to give it up because I loved it so I continued to teach myself how to play and I still play! I have been in school choirs since primary school and now I am involved in the glee club at my school. I enjoy public speaking and I have participated in many speak offs. This led me to get involved in drama and improv which I really enjoy! I have been a part of plays at the drama festival and this year I am still involved in these events.
            All of my activities presented to me many opportunities to get involved in volunteering. I have helped out at cross country runs because of my involvement with running. Also I have volunteered a number of times at swim meets timing, marshalling, and at the canteen. Because of the great amount of time that I spent at the pool growing up for swimming lessons, swim team and work, I became involved as a coach for the Special Olympics Swim Club. This was one of my favourite experiences as a volunteer. I really enjoyed going and it was touching to see how every one of them have their own special qualities that made them who they are. I was a volunteer at the swim club all of last year, every Wednesday night. However, because of my hectic schedule this year, I was not able to take part in it. I really miss going to help out and I am crossing my fingers that next year I can allow to take some time out of my busy schedule to go and volunteer.  School sports have also given me chances to volunteer. I help set up for tournaments that we host in our school and also volunteer to do the clock and score sheets for the games, sit at the door to collect money, or run the canteen. I enjoy volunteering at the games to show school spirit by cheering on our team and lending a hand while socializing a little too! Because of my involvement in cheer and dance I got to participate in many community events. Some of the events that I got to volunteer at, this year and previous years, were the Relay for life and the Santa Claus parades in our town and other near by towns, Fashion shows, Recitals, and even Pageants. I enjoy stepping out to participate in these community events by helping to set up, perform and clean up. It is a great way to have fun while taking part in your activity but to also do your share to help out your community. One of my favourite things to volunteer at is counselling at Burry Heights Church Camp. This year I had the opportunity to go to the camp that I have camped at for many years as a camper and get to council. Looking after lots of kids can be tough but it was an experience that I would not change for the world. It was great to get to use my leadership qualities; also having the kids look up to me as a role model was touching. I loved every minute of that week and will continue to council for as long as I possibly can!
            I still continue to volunteer. If the chance is presented I take it! I love being able to help out when I can because the feeling of volunteering is rewarding. My activities have not changed drastically in the past few years. I am still involved in most things that I have been in previous years and will continue to be as long as my schedule can accommodate them. Little things such as the instrument that I play, style of dance that I do have changed but I have not changed the activities that I take part in. I love everything that I am into and even though it is hard trying to balance my schedule to make time for my activities, school work and time with my friends I would not change it for the world. What I do makes me who I am.